REF 2029 People, Culture and Environment pilot panels membership

Last updated: 18 December 2024

REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles, and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system.  

A key part of this expanded definition is the development of the People, Culture and Environment (PCE) element. Announced in January 2024, the PCE pilot exercise aims to use the findings from the PCE indicators project to explore the practicality of submission and assessment of various elements of PCE. This assessment will be carried out by the PCE pilot panels.

Purpose of the panels 

The responsibilities of the assessment panels are to:   

  • provide early input into the development of indicators of PCE through engagement with the commissioned project on PCE indicators   
  • assess submissions made to the PCE pilot exercise, including by reading and scoring submissions and reaching agreed outcomes in meetings with the subject and/or institution- level panel  
  • provide feedback on the assessment process by participating in workshop meetings to help evaluate the assessment processes trialled in the pilot exercise  

The full terms of reference of the pilot panels can be found here.

The following Units of Assessment (UoA) are included in the PCE pilot.

Panel membership 

Unit of Assessment 3 – Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy 


NameJob title Institution 
Carmel Hughes Professor of Primary Care Pharmacy Queen’s University of Belfast 
Kevin Shakesheff Pro Vice-Chancellor Research & Innovation The Open University 

Panel members 

Name Job title Institution
Afzal Mohammed Professor of Pharmaceutics Aston University 
Aniko Varadi Professor in Biomedical Research University of the West of England, Bristol 
Anne-Marie Glenny Professor of Health Sciences The University of Manchester 
Courtenay Norbury Professor University College London 
Daniel Aeschlimann Professor of Biological Sciences Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Deborah Dunn-Walters Associate Dean for Research and Innovation The University of Surrey 
Eila Watson Professor Supportive Cancer Care Oxford Brookes University 
Elisabetta Verderio Edwards Professor of Biochemistry Nottingham Trent University 
Gretl McHugh Professor of Applied Health Research The University of Leeds 
Jane Armstrong Head of the John Dawson Drug Discovery and Development Research Institute University of Sunderland 
Jayne Donaldson Dean of Health Sciences and Sport University of Stirling 
Julie-Anne Little Professor in Optometry and Vision Science University of Ulster 
Kay Cooper Clinical Professor Allied Health Professions Robert Gordon University 
Leila Whitworth Head of Research Strategy and Funding University of Oxford 
Liang Liu Associate Professor Middlesex University 
Mike Gravenor Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe 
Vanora Hundley Professor of Midwifery Bournemouth University 
William Palin Professor in Biomedical Materials Science The University of Birmingham 

Unit of Assessment 5 – Biological Sciences 


NameJob titleInstitution
Matthew Campbell Professor of Human Metabolism and Integrative Physiology  University of Sunderland 
Neil Gow Professor  University of Exeter 

Panel members

Name Job title Institution 
Candy Rowe Dean for Research Culture and Strategy University of Newcastle upon Tyne 
Elizabeth Adams Coach and consultant Scafell Coaching  
Frank Sargent Professor and Deputy Dean University of Newcastle upon Tyne 
Hilary Ranson Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research Culture and Integrity Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 
Inke Nathke Professor, Associate Dean for Professional Culture University of Dundee 
James Henstock Associate Professor in Bioscience University of Northumbria at Newcastle 
Jerry Roberts Emeritus Professor University of Plymouth 
John W Holloway Associate Vice President (Interdisciplinary Research) University of Southampton 
Joseph Galea Professor The University of Birmingham 
Karen Anthony Professor of Molecular Medicine The University of Northampton
Kirstie Haywood Professor (Health Outcomes) The University of Warwick 
Mark Trimmer Professor of Biogeochemistry Queen Mary University of London 
Mary Muers Research Culture Facilitator University of Oxford 
Matt Jones Senior Lecturer University of Glasgow 
Ole Petersen Professor, Director Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Rachel Cowen Professor of Inclusive Researcher and Academic Development The University of Manchester 
Sharon Huws Director Research Queen’s University of Belfast 
Tim Dafforn Professor of Biotechnology The University of Birmingham 

Unit of Assessment 7 – Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 


Name Job title Institution 
Georgina Endfield Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for The Research Environment and Postgraduate Research, and Professor of Environmental History The University of Liverpool 
John Bothwell Reader in Bioenergy University of Durham 

Panel members 

Name Job title Institution 
Angus Robert (Rob) MacKenzie Director, Birmingham Institute of Forest Research The University of Birmingham 
Caroline Lear Dean of Research and Innovation Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Debby Cotton Dean of Research and Knowledge Exchange University of St Mark & St John 
Ed Llewellin Professor of Volcanology University of Durham 
Ellouise Leadbeater Professor of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Research University College London 
Fiona Henriquez Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Strathclyde 
Gillian Fairbairn Director of Research, Innovation and Impact The University of Surrey 
James Vilares Head of Strategy and Operations and Deputy Director Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Kathryn Walsh Executive Director, Innovation & Enterprise University College London 
Kelly Vere Director of Technical Strategy The University of Nottingham 
Mamdud Hossain Professor Robert Gordon University 
Neil Ward Professor of Rural & Regional Development The University of East Anglia 
Philip Donoghue Professor of Palaeobiology University of Bristol 
Ralph Fyfe Associate Dean for Research University of Plymouth 
Rebekah Smith McGloin Director, Research Culture and Environment Nottingham Trent University 
Richard Rowe Professor of Psychology The University of Sheffield 
Sarah Lee Deputy Director of Research (Strategy) Birkbeck College 
Shonil Bhagwat Professor of Environment and Development The Open University 

Unit of Assessment 11 – Computer Science and Informatics


Name Job title Institution 
Jane HillstonProfessor of Quantitative Modelling and Dean of Research Culture and REF (CSE) University of Edinburgh 
Elena GauraAssociate Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Academic Engagement); Professor of Pervasive Computing Coventry University

Panel members

Name Job title Institution 
Atulya NagarProfessor of Mathematical Sciences, and Pro Vice-Chancellor for ResearchLiverpool Hope University
Chris TaylorAssociate VP Digital Strategy and InnovationUniversity of Manchester
Ian CraddockProfessor of Digital Health and Head of SchoolUniversity of Bristol
Kate WelhamProfessor of Archaeological SciencesBournemouth University
Keeley CrockettProfessor in Computational IntelligenceManchester Metropolitan University
Liz SimmondsHead of Research CultureUniversity of Cambridge
Niamh TumeltyDirector of LSE LibraryLondon School of Economics
Nonso NnamokoSenior Lecturer in Computer ScienceEdge Hill University
Pilar Pousada SolinoDirector, Research and Innovation ServicesUniversity of Hull
Qiang ShenProfessor of Computer Science; Pro Vice-Chancellor for Faculty of Business and Physical SciencesAberystwyth University / Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Rachel NormanProfessorUniversity of Stirling
Sandra WoolleyComputer Science Research DirectorKeele University
Seb OliverDeputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Professor of AstrophysicsUniversity of Sussex
Simon LucasProfessor of AIQueen Mary University of London
Tim DaviesREF Project ManagerUniversity of Oxford
Xujiong YeProfessor of Computer Vision and AI in HealthcareUniversity of Exeter

Unit of Assessment 17 – Business and Management Studies 


Name Job title Institution 
Sally Dibb Professor of Marketing and Society Coventry University 
Yingqi Wei Deputy Pro Dean Research and Innovation The University of Leeds

Panel members

NameJob title Institution 
Alessandra Guariglia Professor of Financial Economics The University of Birmingham 
Anica Zeyen Professor in Entrepreneurship & Inclusion / Vice Dean Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Royal Holloway and Bedford New College 
Anne Marie Doherty Professor of Marketing University of Strathclyde 
Anne-Wil Harzing Emerita Professor and former Staff Development Lead (2014-2024) Middlesex University 
Cathal Rogers Research Culture and Assessment Manager The University of Manchester 
Deborah Lodge Director of Research, Partnerships & Innovation The University of Sheffield 
Graeme Martin Professor of Management University of Dundee 
John Wilson Professor of Banking & Finance, Head of Department of Finance University of St Andrews 
Lisa Jack Professor of Accounting University of Portsmouth 
Mark Stuart Professor of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations The University of Leeds 
Martin McCracken Research Director – Ulster University Business School University of Ulster 
Michael Bourlakis Director of Research Cranfield University 
Nick Lee Professor of Marketing and Assistant Dean for Research Culture and Environment The University of Warwick 
Pawan Budhwar 50th Anniversary Professor of International Human Resource Management Aston University 
Sarah Smith Professor of Economics University of Bristol 
Steve Johnson Professor of Business and Innovation Leeds Trinity University 
Thomas Archibald Professor of Business Modelling University of Edinburgh 
Tony Edwards Senior Academic Lead, People and Culture Loughborough University 

Unit of Assessment 20 – Social Work and Social Policy 


Name Institution Role 
Astrid Wissenburg  Divisional Director of ResearchUniversity of Exeter 
Phillip MizenAssociate Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development and Dean of Aston Graduate School (2021-2024) Aston University

Panel members

Name Job title Institution 
Alex Peden Head of Research Cultures University of Edinburgh 
Ambreena Manji Professor of Law Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Andrew James Davies Professor of Education Swansea University / Prifysgol Abertawe 
Carrie Paechter Professor Emerita of Childhood, Youth, and Family Life Nottingham Trent University 
Catherine Davies Dean for Research Culture The University of Leeds 
Claire Dunlop Professor of Public Policy University of Exeter 
Iain Docherty Dean, Institute for Advanced Studies University of Stirling 
Jessica Jones Nielsen Professor of Psychology, Assistant Vice-President (EDI) City St George’s, University of London 
Karen Duke Professor in Criminology Middlesex University 
Keith Fildes Research Development Manager Sheffield Hallam University 
Lisanne Gibson Vice Principal Research University of Dundee 
Loraine Gelsthorpe Professor (Emeritus) Criminology University of Cambridge 
Nasar Meer Professor of Social & Political Sciences University of Glasgow 
Shelly Stringer Research Evaluation Manager University of Oxford 
Simon Green Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) University of Salford 
Tony Chafer Emeritus Professor University of Portsmouth 
Tracey Reynolds Associate Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange University of Greenwich 
Xiaoren Wang Lecturer in Law University of Dundee 

Unit of Assessment 28 – History 


Name Job title Institution 
Ann Heilmann Professor of English Literature Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd 
Jonathan Morris Director, Research Culture and Environment ; Professor of History University of Hertfordshire 

Panel members

Name Job title Institution 
Adrian Bell Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Prosperity and Resilience, Chair in the History of FinanceThe University of Reading 
Alexander Watson Professor of History Goldsmiths, University of London 
Andrew Dilley Senior Lecturer in History University of Aberdeen 
Barbara Bombi Professor of Medieval History The University of Kent 
Churnjeet Mahn Deputy Associate Principal University of Strathclyde 
Claudia Capancioni Professor of English Literature Bishop Grosseteste University 
Inga Bryden Head of Research Environment and Impact University of Winchester 
James Daybell Associate Dean of Research University of Plymouth 
Karen Sayer University Research Lead Leeds Trinity University 
Kathryn Hurlock Reader in Medieval History/Research Environment Lead Manchester Metropolitan University 
Kirstie Wild Head of Research and Operations Strategy University of Glasgow 
Maggie Gale Vice-Dean Research, Humanities/Chair in Drama The University of Manchester 
Olwen Purdue Professor of Social History, Director, Centre for Public History Queen’s University of Belfast 
Paul Lawrence Asa Briggs Professor of History The Open University 
Ruth Atherton Lecturer in History University of South Wales / Prifysgol De Cymru 
Sabine Lee Professor of History The University of Birmingham 
Susan Harrow Ashley Watkins Professor of French University of Bristol 
Tim Brooks Assistant Director (Research Excellence and Enhancement) Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation 

Unit of Assessment 33 – Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies 


NameJob title Institution
Anne Boddington Pro Vice-Chancellor Research & Knowledge Exchange Middlesex University 
Aude Le Guennec Research Lead Glasgow School of Art 

Panel members

Name Job title Institution 
Barley Norton Professor of Music Goldsmiths, University of London 
Brian Bridges Research Director – Music, Drama, Performing Arts, Film & Screen, and Senior Lecturer (Music and Creative Audio) University of Ulster 
Elizabeth Westlake Assistant Director, Research Strategy and Services Division, and Head of Research Environment and Policy The University of Birmingham 
Jamie Savan Professor of Performance-led Research in Music Birmingham City University 
Karen Boyle Professor of Feminist Media Studies and Head of Department of Humanities University of Strathclyde 
Kate Dorney Senior Lecturer in Theatre & Performance The University of Manchester 
Kim Knowles Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in Film Studies Aberystwyth University / Prifysgol Aberystwyth 
Laudan Nooshin Professor of Music City St George’s, University of London 
Martyn Harry Professor of Composition University of Oxford 
Megan McLoughlin Head of the Building Research and Innovation Capacity Team University of York 
Nadine Holdsworth Professor of Theatre and Performance The University of Warwick 
Nick Fells Professor of Sonic Practice University of Glasgow 
Nicola Dibben Faculty Director of Research and Innovation and Professor in Music The University of Sheffield 
Paul Allain Professor of Theatre and Performance, Director of Research and Innovation (Arts and Hums) The University of Kent 
Robert Adlington Head of Research and Doctoral Programmes Royal College of Music 
Rosa Scoble Director of Strategic Planning Brunel University London 
Simon Bains University Librarian and Head of Library Services University of Aberdeen 
Tony Fisher Head of Research Strategy and Culture The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama