Today we have launched a submission size survey for REF 2029.
This survey is to understand the potential volume change of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff in each REF Unit of Assessment (UoA) for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) since REF 2021. Significant national increases or decreases in FTE at the Unit of Assessment (UoA) level are likely to affect the shape of sub-panels for the exercise. The results of the survey will help us understand the evolving shape of UK research between REF exercises. A more detailed survey of submission intentions, based on the new volume measure policy, will be conducted closer to the submission deadline for REF 2029, in line with previous practice.
We are mindful of the context the sector is currently operating in and the survey is designed to minimise burden as far as possible. The survey will be looking at aggregate, national-level results, therefore we are looking for approximations from individual HEIs, not tight estimates.
Receiving this survey data from every HEI will give us the best possible data to shape the REF in a way that reflects the changing sector.
The survey has been sent to vice chancellors, or equivalent contacts, at UK HEIs and we have asked for responses to be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday 4 December 2024.